Friday, June 11, 2010


Learning Objectives;

• Know why we need to practice hand washing
• Identify the critical moments of hand washing
• Demonstrate correct hand washing practices using soap (or ash) and water

Why you should wash your hands;
• Hands are always dirty with germs
• We transmit germs from one person to another with our hands
• Hands come in contact with many germs throughout the day (including cleaning ourselves after defecation). For this reason, hands should always be washed using soap (or ash) after defecation or using a latrine.
• Research studies show that washing your hands can reduce the risk of getting sick with diarrhea by as much as 45%

Critical Times of Hand washing;
“Hand washing experts” usually list 4 times as “critical times” for hand washing. These include;
• Before preparing food/Cooking
• Before eating/feeding someone
• After defecation/after using a latrine
• After changing nappies and cleaning baby’s bottom

Hand washing with soap has been proved scientifically to be effective in reducing the occurrence of diarrhea diseases. Hand washing with soap at critical moments has also been proved to be cost-effective and high impact intervention that can contribute significantly to reduction of child morbidity and mortality due to diarrhea diseases. Hand washing is one of the best practices I promote in schools and targeted communities. I target children as change agents to mobilize and sensitize the larger communities for improved hygiene practices.

Simple, innovative and low cost hand washing facilities have been thought of. These range from use of plastic bottles, small Jerry cans designed in a form of a tippy tap, 20 litre jerry cans and buckets fixed with taps. Metallic and plastic hand washing tanks of varying sizes have also been designed for this purpose. Children in targeted schools have taken on the responsibility of filling these hand washing facilities with water whenever required as well as acting as watch dogs to fellow pupils to ensure that they all wash their hands especially after toilet and before eating. There are prefects and school sanitation coordinators and committee members who make sure that these facilities are not spoilt by careless pupils.

I call upon every body to practice hand washing with soap especially after toilet use and before eating.

Remember that 15th/ October is a Global Hand washing day.

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